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Community Panel Discussion

April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Growth & Historic Preservation in DeLand

While in DeLand, artist Carlie Trosclair created latex castings inside the historic Dutton House as part of her exhibition, all the lives we ever lived. Built in 1911, the house was recently purchased and is currently undergoing renovations to restore and preserve its original features. Through her castings, Trosclair not only honors the legacy of the Dutton House but also revitalizes its historic elements, contributing uniquely to the restoration process.

Artist Carlie Trosclair

As a community, we are grappling with how to balance the preservation of our historic landmarks with the challenges posed by a rapidly growing population. Trosclair’s work serves as a catalyst for important conversations about how we can navigate this issue.

How do we balance growth and preservation in DeLand? Join us for a community panel to discuss real solutions with panelists Jessica Levings, Mark Watts, Reggie Williams, and Barb Shepherd.




This event is presented with the support and partnership of Northwest Square. 



Cheers to 100 years with Cobb Cole! Cobb Cole will be hosting a happy hour after the event at Chapel Tap.




Community Panel Discussion: Growth & Historic Preservation in DeLand

Thursday, April 3  |  6 – 7:30 p.m.

Northwest Square Hartman Courtyard

238 N. Clara Ave., DeLand, FL 32720

Admission: FREE & open to the public


Top Image: Historic Dutton House, DeLand, Florida


April 3
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Categories:


Northwest Square
238 N. Clara Ave.
DeLand, FL 32720 United States