
The Museum of Art – DeLand’s Education Department provides innovative programs to inspire curiosity, build visual literacy and foster a greater awareness of the world around us. Through lectures, talks, workshops, tours and participatory events, the Museum staff is dedicated to designing programming that allows visitors of all ages to see, create and interact with art in new and unexpected ways.


The Museum of Art – DeLand offers a variety of multi-generational programs and
resources that encourage children and adults to engage in active exploration of art and learn about art together.

Art Seen Investigator

The Art Seen Investigator game is a fun interactive way for kids and families to look closely at artworks and to
enjoy exhibitions together.

Family Fun Saturdays

Family Fun Saturdays, scheduled the third Saturday each month September through May, are designed to help children
and grown-ups explore the Museum’s exhibits together. On these designated Saturdays, there is free gallery admission
and hands-on art activities from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. for the entire family. Family Fun Saturdays are sponsored in part
by the Rotary Club of DeLand and the Orange City Blue Springs Manatee Festival.

Camp Create

This exciting summertime art camp is a six-week program where kids age 6 – 12 can explore all the art-filled
adventures they can dream of. Each week a new adventure theme ignites their creativity and imaginations. Campers
create 2D and 3D projects and enjoy a wide variety of hands-on art experiences, excitement, and fun.

Studio Artist Class

The Studio Artist Class is a class meant to grow students’ abilities technically and
conceptually through a focused 6 week session of classes. Each session meets on
Wednesdays from 3:15-4:30pm. Students will study elements and principles of art, in-
depth techniques, and study a variety of artists to inspire their work. Each 6 week
session has its own theme and focus. 10 student maximum per session.


Throughout the year, the Museum offers a variety of programs and tours for adults of all levels of expertise. Lifelong learners are invited to gain fresh perspectives and find like-minded peers and topics to stimulate their creative interests.

Gallery Talks and Lecture Series

The museum complements its special exhibitions with informative and thought provoking gallery talks, panel discussions and lectures by artists, specialists, curators and art historians. Presentations are designed to provide in-depth and engaging information that will broaden your knowledge of art.

But Do I Have to Like It?

Are you excited about going to museums but feel that you don’t always have the tools and vocabulary to appreciate and understand what you see? Join us for this special discussion series exploring selected artists, art styles and movements featured in the Museum’s collection and exhibitions. Novice and seasoned museumgoers are invited to learn skills and techniques for approaching artworks, including careful visual observation, the language of art, and an understanding of how viewers interact with the work and vice versa. Everyone brings their own experiences and perspectives to a work of art. Discussions will focus on expanding and enhancing the way you view ‘your world’ through art. What new perspectives you will gain?

ArtFilm Fridays

This periodic series connects films with the Museum’s collection or special exhibitions.

Twisted Tours

You have probably heard of Twisted Sister, Twisted Fairy Tales, Twisted the TV drama, Twisted Metal video game, but have you heard of the Twisted Tours at the Museum of Art – DeLand? Check the calendar for this adult activity-based, participatory and alternative way to look at and engage with art.

Spot On Challenge

Did you know, the average person spends 17 seconds or less looking at a work of art in a museum? Looking is not always seeing. Understanding an image or object requires slowing down and taking the time to see the details. Looking is passive but seeing requires action. When you visit the Museum you will have the opportunity to engage with the exhibitions through this interactive challenge. The Spot on Challenge encourages thoughtful, close-observation, which helps us to recognize that things are not always as they appear at first glance.

The Art of Surprise Workshop Series

Pleasant surprises shake-up our routines, make us feel happier, motivate us to learn, and spark vital curiosity. This interactive lunchtime workshop series explores all things unexpected for a necessary break from the status quo. We would tell you more, but that would ruin the whole “surprise” thing, wouldn’t it?


The Museum of Art – DeLand education programs enhance vital classroom learning by providing opportunities for students and teachers to experience art in new and exciting ways through first-hand encounters with original works of art. The Museum’s Education Department is dedicated to providing activities designed to spark creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Education programs provide students equitable, fun opportunities for learning and engagement with original works of art, creating stronger links between people, art and ideas. Each program is designed to engage students both in and out of the classroom with a selection of interpretive programs that can be tailored to specific grade levels and classroom curricula in both art and non-art subjects. Programs include tour options for students of all ages, teacher materials, professional development opportunities and working partnerships with area schools. To take advantage of these opportunities, you can visit the museum, the museum can visit your school, or you can do both.

Professional Development

Whether you are looking for an introduction on integrating the arts into your teaching, or already using them in your curriculum, the Art of Reflection and Response Teacher Institute provides the tools to enhance your creativity and expand your teaching practice and students’ learning.

The Institute is designed for all K–12 Volusia County Public School educators, but is especially appropriate for arts, language arts, reading, social studies/history, gifted, ESE and ESOL teachers. Its focus is the development of the thinking skills and habits of mind that are central to the Florida Standards.

This unique program begins with an immersive, three-day summer seminar and continues with additional seminars throughout the school year. The program increases teachers’ understanding of how visual art can support reading, writing, and complex thinking in the classroom. It offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Museum’s resources and programs to support development of interdisciplinary lesson plans.

Pre K-12

Guided Tours

Guided tours are inquiry-based with specialized topics available to complement the classroom curriculum and the Florida State Standards. They include pre- and post-visit curriculum materials to incorporate the tour into classroom teaching. Teachers can request a general exhibition overview or select from the following themes:

  • How to Read a Painting
  • The Principles and Elements of Art
  • What’s the Story?

Custom tours can be developed to meet individual classroom study. Writing or sketching activities in the Museum galleries are available to complement discussions for any theme. To schedule one of these activities, contact the Museum at 386.734.4371. Tours may be scheduled for any of the Museum’s exhibitions and collections featured in multiple venues. Admission is free for students in the Volusia County School District, but activities and groups must be scheduled and booked in advance.

Self-Guided Tours

Teachers can create a self-guided tour to meet the needs of their classroom instruction or focus. Self-guided tours are for groups of 10 or more.

Field Study Grant

The Museum of Art – DeLand, Florida Field Study Grant program is an innovative grant initiative designed to fund field study transportation costs for public school students in Volusia County.  A limited number of grants of up to $200 to reimburse bus transportation costs will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. Please contact Pam Coffman, coffman@moartdeland.org, for application information.

Arts on the Grow Multi-Visit Program

The Arts on the Grow Program allows Museum educators to collaborate with classroom teachers to create a three-part program designed to support classroom curricula and themes. The program includes an initial classroom visit with a Museum educator, a Museum gallery tour and a follow-up classroom visit designed to enhance and build on the first two sessions.

Legendary Florida

The Museum’s Legendary Florida Collection is on permanent display at the Volusia County Historic Courthouse in DeLand. The guided tour utilizes the Legendary Florida Collection as an education resource for K-12 students. The program incorporates language and visual arts with the environmental sciences, music and social studies.

Classroom Outreach Program

The Classroom Outreach Program brings quality art education experiences to PreK-12 classrooms, particularly to students unable to visit the Museum. A Museum educator engages students in an interactive presentation utilizing images from the Museum’s Permanent Collection. Students are introduced to inquiry-based strategies for observing, comparing and contrasting, and reflecting and responding to selected art works. This program is suitable for core subjects, art and humanities classes.

Education Partnerships

The Museum of Art – DeLand is committed to community outreach and arts education as a way to encourage teachers to integrate the arts across the curriculum and to utilize the Museum as an extension of their classroom. The Museum education staff works closely with educators to design customized programs that are tailored to the specific needs of their students and their school curriculum. Examples of partnerships include, We Are Starke, Arts on the Grow and Arts on the Grow Head Start. Each partnership requires funding through corporate sponsorships.

Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources and curricular materials are available for select exhibitions. Contact the Museum’s Education Department to learn about specific resources.

Homeschool and Other Groups

PreK-12 School tours are not limited to traditional schools and may include homeschool groups, scout organizations, and after-school programs and clubs. Groups of 10 or more are welcome to book a guided or self-guided tour.

University and Colleges

The Museum’s programs are designed to encourage professors and students to view the Museum as an extension of the classroom. Whether you teach art, medicine, engineering or anything in between, the education staff at the Museum can facilitate connections between our art exhibitions and your curriculum. Simply contact the Museum to request a custom tour that is interactive and engaging that also meets the needs of your syllabus.

For more information about Museum of Art – DeLand Education Programs, contact Martha Underriner, Curator of Education at (386)-734-4371 or underriner@moartdeland.org.